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Visualization and Simulation


Belmont Research, Inc.

CrossGraphs(TM) data visualization and graphical reporting software helpsyou visualize, understand and report complex, multimensional data inanalysis databases and data warehouses. CrossGraphs automaticallydivides data into subsets and iteratively creates many graphs, one graphper subset, on one or many pages without programming. This uniquecombination of cross-tabulation and statistical graphics lets you scangraph arrays along rows, columns and diagonals to spot trends, detectanomalies in complex data, and find important patterns in complex,multidimensional data. CrossGraphs is deployed in business, engineeringand scientific environments to visualize complex, multidimensional data.For example, marketing managers gain breadth and depth of businessknowledge by using CrossGraphs to view sales performance data in manygraphs - by competition, product, attribute, region, sales channel,market segment, time period, or a combination of these dimensions.Manufacturing engineers can review process and production data morequickly, by scanning graphical reports for the factory's products, lines,equipment and processes. CrossGraphs can be used interactively as a datavisualization and exploration tool, or run in batch for productionreporting. CrossGraphs reports can be displayed immediately, printed orsaved as graphics files for efficient Web-based distribution of yourcorporate data, using software from Adobe Systems. The CrossGraphsCustomization Option lets you extend, customize and integrateCrossGraphs' graphical reporting capabilities to build specialized,decision support systems. This option lets you create new graph types toshow information in the most natural way for your company or industry.You can also build custom, highly visual user interfaces, so your userscan access and manipulate data more easily. Thses customizations useCG++(TM), an object-oriented programming language which lets you creategraphical software rapidly. You can also use CrossGraphs as a grapharray engine by integrating it with your OLE client programs. The systemreads data from a variety of sources including dBase, Oracle, text datafiles, SAS datasets and ODBC-compliant databases. Operating Systems:Solaris, SunOS, Windows 3.1, Window95, Window NT, Macintosh, HP-UX.Localization: English Source Lanaguage: CG++ Source Available: no

Language: CG++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems:

Belmont Research, Inc.
84 Sherman St
Cambridge, MA 02140
Phone: 6718686878
Fax: (617) 868-2654